Top 10 Myths around Tea

It’s pretty natural to hear age-old claims around products that a lot of times in an indirect way affect your buying decisions or your daily life choices.
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It’s pretty natural to hear age-old claims around products that a lot of times in an indirect way affect your buying decisions or your daily life choices.
The best zone for you as consumers can be to know every detail about the product such as the key ingredients or the expiry date and also be aware of the misconceptions that are often thrown around by experts or pundits, which are not always correct.
So, here are the top 10 myths associated with tea that you should read on:
1.Tea does not expire
Tea is made up of natural compounds like flavonoids and polyphenols that degrade with time.
If you have been believing that the shelf life of tea is endless or 1 year, it’s high time you toss the packet of tea leaves from your kitchen shelf if it’s been lying there for more than 6 months
2. Black tea has Higher Caffeine content than Green tea

Tea Experts have created categories of tea depending on the caffeine content –
Higher Caffeine > Caffeine> Lowest Caffeine
Black Tea > Oolong Tea > Green Tea
These generalizations are as nebulous as saying different food types have the same organic evel.
On the contrary, the key to the different caffeine levels depends on tea-making procedures and
harvesting, brewing and steeping processes.
3.Buying cheap tea is right
There is this notion among people about tea that it’s alright to buy cheap tea because at the end of the day the tea leaves are giving us the desired color and taste.
Maybe you should think again here.
There are a lot of specifications that go around tea and the bigger tea players in the market
specifically look after the health aspect for their consumers.
Apart from many things that they look after, the pivotal thing is the growing regions of
base-quality tea are very large and controlled by pesticides to avoid crop collapse.
They are more focused towards the tea safety and regulations. So, next time when you’re again putting a lower-quality tea in your shopping bag, think again!
Because, health should be your biggest concern.
4.The Quality of Tea can be judged by merely tasting it
Although this pointer might sound very similar to the above mentioned one but is another popular myth among the tea lovers.
Henceforth this separate mention.
Since decades, we have seen been seeing food critics giving their educated comments on the dishes.
The same goes for professional tea tasters who taste the tea and tell us that the quality, aroma, and freshness are just right at the place and the tea is good to go.
Unfortunately, we start considering the ‘Taste’ element while buying our tea and we forget that the expertise of the professional taster’s can only come after years of tasting a particular authenticated tea.
So, it’s logically not advised to create these standards in our minds.
5.Tea can lower hydration levels in your body
Our body always relies on water for reaching the maximum amount of hydrations levels.
Water does wonders to our body in terms of weight loss, toxin removal, etc.
But, we totally disregard caffeinated drinks when it comes to getting the desired fluid balance, which is wrong.
It really depends on the type of work we do or our body type- let’s say if we sweat more or
stand outside under the sun for long that alters the consumptions patterns.
The daily consumption of tea might differ based on above activities but it really doesn’t affect the hydration levels.
6. Herbal Tea is safe for pregnant women
This myth is just like saying if the soil is not dark, it does not contain any organic matter.
There is often an association of Herbal Tea and its health benefits.
And this is the reason why pregnant women turn to herbal teas -- but they aren’t all necessarily safe.
Herbal Tea is rich in caffeine and polyphenols, which does have side effects when taken excessively and can, harm the fetus.
stand outside under the sun for long that alters the consumptions patterns.
There has to be a measured amount of consumption that a pregnant women can only have after consulting her doctor.
7. Green teaburns fat
This is the biggest myth among the top 10 list –something that I have also believed for quite some time.
Unfortunately, green tea has been hyped up a lot in terms of doing wonders in weight loss.
Of course, it does contain active stimulants that helps in reducing weight but that just fastens the
process and it can’t be increased to another level if you are drinking let’s say 10 cups of green tea in a day.
Because in that case you’re also consuming the caffeine at levels that can be dangerous for you, especially if you have a heart condition.
8.High Water Temperature burns the teas leaves
The correct temperature of water is primary to give us the full range of the flavors and other properties that go with a perfect cup of tea.
This is right!
Black teas and darker oolongs work well in very hot water whereas many green teas in cooler water.
But, even the sub-categories of Green tea are as vast as white wine and undergo different processing techniques.
And some greens and whites get absorbed perfectly in fully boiled water as black teas.
9.Black Tea must be steeped longer than Green Tea
This claim is not completely true because while we do this there are a lot of other factors playing at the same time, which differs from one tea type to another and in fact differs within the tea subcategories.
The size of the tea leaves, the amount of water you use, the steeping vessel, the brewing temperature that particular tea takes best to and even the style of brewing impact the tea taste in a big way.
10.Adding milk to you tea can reduce its antioxidant properties
Tea is known for its medicinal properties that come from its different chemical compounds and antioxidants.
There has been a lot of research and confirmations around happening around addition milk to a cup of tea, which can reduce the overall antioxidant effect.
But, the situation is not this bad for the tea lovers.
Generally the amount of milk added to tea by different cultures of people, especially English is typically so small that there aren't enough milk proteins present to seriously interfere with the flavenoids.
What does tea gives in the body?
Tea is rich in polyphenols, which are natural compounds that have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to fight cancer.
When should you not drink tea?
Since tea contains caffeine, it's best to avoid drinking it after three or four in the afternoon. However, if you're drinking an herbal tea, then there's no reason you can't enjoy drinking it all day long.